





September’s details turned out to be another favorite — an extension of August’s “Paris in NYC” post!

I love living in New York City. I love it so much that I am having a difficult time visualizing living anywhere else. But never say never right? Paris has a special place in my heart. It’s not the details and the history, it’s the first time I can vividly recall experiencing a turn in my life. As cliché as it sounds, I went to Paris as one person and left it as another. Whether or I am looking for inspiration or hoping to turn around a bad day, I look for details like these — celebrating my new city while fondly remembering my old city.

And on another note, thank you for the amazing feedback about my photography blog. It isn’t always easy to find the time to shoot, edit, and post personal projects while working to pay the bills…but this blog has become a worthwhile investment! It is very flattering to see my images being pinned on Pinterest and hearing that my work is gathering attention. I love any feedback (good or bad) that brings me closer to being a great photographer. Thank you for sharing these moments with me!

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